What is Purpura?

Purpura is recurrent bleeding of the skin and mucous membrane, which causes appearance of visible purple spots, hence the name ‘Purpura’.

Normally, in any case of bleeding due to any injury, the bleeding gradually stops. This stoppage of bleeding is called Hemostasis.

Basically there are 3 stages of Hemostasis:-

  1. Vasoconstriction, that is, narrowing of blood vessels in the area of injury
  2. Platelet plug formation – platelets, one type of cells in our bloodstream aggregate at the site of injury to form a plug for stopping the flow of blood.
  3. Sealing by clotting factors

Now, defects in hemostasis(blood clotting) can be due to :-

  1. Decreased platelet production
  2. Defective platelets (non funtional)
  3. Normal production and function of platelets but there’s excessive storage of platelets in the spleen, which causes lower concentration of it in the bloodstream.

Defect in any of the above stages of hemostasis will cause bleeding problems and various types of Purpura.

We’re going to focus mainly on two tyoes of Purpura

1. Senile purpura  and  2. Steroid induced purpura

Senile Purpura

It can be seen in patients who are above 50 to 55 years of age. For example, if we apply too much pressure while holding their hand or there’s any kind of friction or scratch, the area develops red or purple patches.

‘Senile’ means aging and ‘purpura’ refers to purple. Senile Purpura is a problem associated with aging only. It is not any kind of dangerous or fatal disease.

Mechanism of how symptoms are manifested in Senile Purpura :-

As we age, there is reduction in production of collagen and elastin in our body. This causes thinning of our skin and makes our blood vessels fragile or weak.

That’s why, even in cases of minor injuries, there is defective vasoconstriction, which causes blood to come out of the blood vessels.

Our body defense system(macrophages) then tries to clear out the blood that has come out.

The macrophages destroy the Red Blood Cells (RBC) in the bbloo, which causes release of hemosiderin pigment from the RBC, which is brown in colour.

This sometimes causes the patches to be brown in colour.

Steroid Induced Purpura

This is caused by long term use of steroid ointments and creams on the skin.

Mostly people buy steroid creams to apply it on their face for brightening their face or to reduce pimples. However, in truth what’s happening is that their skin becomes thinner and this causes tge skin to appear bright or reddish. And this leads to them getting addicted to the steroid cream. However, its prolonged use makes the blood vessels fragile.

Any kind of pressure or minor injury will then cause red patches over the skin via the similar mechanism discussed above.


Apart from defect in Hemostasis, Purpura can also be cause by excessive exposure to direct sunlight.

Those who regularly work under the sun are more susceptible to photodamage.

This causes reduced collagen production in the body.

This makes the skin fragile.

Most Common site affected

Purpura can be seen anywhere in the body, even the face. But it is mostly found to occur in the extensor aspect of the hand, that is the surface, which is usually most exposed to sunlight.


  1. When purpura occurs due to aging, it cannot be prevented but other factors causing Purpura can be cocontroll as mentioned below.
  2. Avoid excessive sunlight by using full sleeved clothes and broad-spectrum sunscreen.
  3. Take plenty of Vitamin C. Citrus fruits like Orange, lemon, guava etc. are rich in vitamin C.
  4. Do not use steroid cream without a dermatologist’s advice.


  1. Purpura is benign condition, that is, it is not dangerous. It is self-limiting, which means that, given 1 to 3 weeks, the reddish or purple sots dissolve automatically.
  2. It is seen that ‘Arnica cream’ works in reducing the symptoms in some causes but still, it is not fully effective.
  3. It is best to avoid any excessive pressure, friction in the affected area.
  4. Use sunscreen, moisturizer containing Vitamin C and Vitamin E, which helps to keep the skin firm.
  5. Also Vitamin C tablets and supplements can be take as vitamin c helps the body produce collagen and strengthens the skin and blood vessels.

For more details, kindly watch and subscribe to my Youtube Channel.

Blog by: Dr. Uttam Kumar Lenka, Consultant Dermatologist. Kolkata.

Dr. Uttam Kumar Lenka received the “PRIDE OF BHARAT” award!

During the Corona epidemic, he continued to treat patients in and around Calcutta, West Bengal, and the state of Odisha, fulfilling his duty as a matter of course and becoming a favorite among patients and relatives.

In addition, he has been able to successfully treat many patients who have connected via mobile and the internet to discuss their issues.

In addition, Dr. Uttam Lenka has launched a YouTube channel called Skin & Hair Clinic to raise awareness about various skin problems and their treatment, especially how to deal with skin and hair related common issues.

At this time, he was selected as one of the leading dermatologists in the city of Calcutta by the Trade and Media Institute. He was honored with the “PRIDE OF BHARAT” award in the presence of renowned Bollywood actor Sunil Sethi at a function organized by trade and media in Delhi on Saturday.

Are you facing dark armpits, neck, elbows and knees on your body ?

Are you facing dark armpits, neck, elbows, and knees on your body? Do you want to get rid of these? So let’s discuss what is it? causes, prevention, and treatment

The term is called ‘Acanthosis Nigricans ‘. It is a skin condition characterized by dark patches in body folds n creases. Especially it occurs in underarms, neck, in ladies under the breast’s, groins even on the elbows or the knee joints.. This is seen as hyperpigmentation and in some conditions, it is associated with itching.

So this manifestation of the skin can be because of obesity ( i.e diabetes) or can be seen in people who are suffering from Hormonal disorder ( it’s called PCOS Polycystic ovarian disease or Syndrome ) It’s the result of ovarian hyperfunction .. it begins with a detailed history of menstruation, infertility or miscarriage and symptoms of increased testosterone-like increased in facial hair in females, acne or thinning of hair on the scalp. Therefore Healthy Eating, regular exercise, and weight reduction is to be done to control PCOS .. Success ineffective management of women with PCOS is through a Synchronized effort between the Dermatologist, Gynecologist, Dietician, and physical trainer ..
Prevention & Treatment*
To reduce the appearance of acanthosis nigricans, dermatologists prescribed creams can be used to lighten the skin or to soften thick and Rough patches. Laser treatment can be done to reverse skin thickening or lighten the skin, Antibacterial soaps, tropical antibiotics creams, and oral medications can be used.

Glycolic Acid cream can be applied at night 6-10% cream twice a week and Hydroquinone based cream also can be applied twice a week.

So at last now discuss how home remedies are beneficial for your dark underarms .. Apply Apple cider vinegar, aloe vera gel, cucumber, potato, Multani mitti, turmeric, lemon juice, olive oil, castor oil, and almond oil to reduce dark underarms.


It is a procedure or technique in which nontoxic chemicals are used to improve and smooth the texture of the skin. Chemical peeling helps in removing the damaging layer of the skin . A dermatologist decides the right type chemical peeling for you based on the severity of your skin condition .


Chemical peeling are useful for treating acne , dark spots and tanned skin. It’s helps in treating acne breakouts and inflammation by removing all the dead cells. Chemical peeling helps in improving skin texture by reducing large pores . It is a very popular and effective treatment for pigmentation . Chemical peeling also helps in reducing the signs of anti aging like fine lines and wrinkles .


Individuals who are 15 years and above are eligible for this treatment . Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid this treatment. It is suitable for all skin types.

*Glycolic Acid
* Salicylic Acid
* Tartaric Acid
*Trichloroacetic Acid
* Lactic acid
*Mandelic acid


• Glycolic Acid – Sugarcane
• Mandelic acid – Apple
• Lactic acid – Glucose
• Tartaric Acid – Grapes
• Citric acid – Citric Fruits


✓ Glycolic Acid – Acne
, Glow, tanning , wrinkles and pigmentation
✓ Mandelic acid – Glow
✓ Lactic acid – Glow
✓ Salicylic Acid – Acne
✓ Retinal – Acne , Glow and tanning
✓ Trichloroacetic Acid – Scars, Acne


During the consultation , a dermatologist analysis the patients skin condition and then evaluate the medical history . Based on the doctors analysis he/she may advise you to undergo the chemical peeling treatment according to your skin condition and type.


Use broad spectrum sunscreen minimum Spf 30++ . Avoid Sunlight protect yourself with Umbrella , Sunglasses , face mask . Avoid Face Scrubbing . Avoid cosmetics in face for at least about 7 days .
Use moisturizer minimum 2-3 times in a day . Eat fresh fruits and vegetables as much as you can . Drink 2/3 litres in a day to keep your skin hydrated . Avoid oily/ Junk and spicy food for better results .

** Note :- Exfoliation plays a very important role in chemical peeling treatment . This treatment hardly takes less than an hour. Results are visible within two weeks after the first session. Dermatologist usually recommend 6-8 sessions for best results.

Various treatment for hair fall

Hello Dear Friends,

I am Dr Uttam Kumar Lenka, a dermatologist, and a trichologist. So in a simple word, I am an expert in both skin and hair. I used to make many videos regarding skin and hair and discuss many problems and suggest their solutions. If you guys like my videos, kindly watch, share, and subscribe to my channel by pressing the bell icon.

My channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKWTa3igh7CjKWnUH9Wnrzg

Hair Fall or Hair Loss:

The first thing is to identify that it is a hair fall or a hair loss. Hair fall is a natural process, and about 10-30 strands of hair fall daily. This helps in the regeneration of fresh new and healthy hair. However, if the amount of hair fall is more than 100 or if the density decreases and there is visible receding hair,  we can call this a case of hair loss, and it is a time to consult a trichologist.

First Step To Prevent Hair Fall:

Hair fall can happen due to many things like stress, anxiety, smoking, and a combination  of other factors such as diet, genetic and environmental factors. The first thing to do is to change our daily routine.

1.  Use Dandruff Shampoo:

For a quick response to the hair fall, you can use antidandruff shampoo twice a week to keep your scalp clean. Sometimes this simple method can cure the hair fall too. If you are using shampoo, then choose sulphate-free shampoo. Sulphate is a kind of detergent that critically weakens the hair and leads to breakage. If you are using the conditioner, then do not use it just after the shower on the wet hair. Make the hair a little dry using the towel and apply the conditioner along the hair’s length. Keep the conditioner for 5-7 minutes and then wash it properly. It is important to note that you have to wash your head properly and make it clean. The scalp should free from shampoo or conditioner. A little shampoo/conditioner on the scalp make you feel irritation itching and helps the hair fall process.

2.  Hair Oil is a Myth:

Sometimes, people say using various kinds of hair oil reduces the hair fall and grows the hair longer. This concept is a myth. Hair oil only lubricates the hair and improve the luster in it. If you are using hair oil, then used it just before two hours of the bath. If you are using hair oil, massage the scalp area, which increases the blood flow at the hair root. This helps to prevent hair fall. You can use hair oil twice a week.

3.  Become Stress Free:

The present world is very random, and peoples are busy in many ways. Due to different situations, they remain under immense stress. Stress and anxiety are a vital cause of the hair fall. It is important to be stress-free and happy.

4.  Healthy Diet:

Diet is essential to keep your body healthy. An improper or neutron efficient diets can cause severe hair loss. Take a proper diet that contains rich in micronutrients, amino-acid, and vitamins. The intake meal must include meat, fish, spinach, vegetables and fruits, and dry nuts. You must choose vegetables and fruits rich in minerals such as zinc, calcium, and iron. These micronutrients in the diet will help to grow healthy hair and reduce hair fall.

5.  Physical Exercise:

Exercise must be included in your daily routine. Doing exercise improves the bold flow throughout the body, including your head scalp too. The blood flow under the scalp increases the oxygen flow, helps grow healthy hair, and reduces hair loss.

6.  Chemicals and Electronics Gadget:

Try to minimize hair colour, bleaching, and electronic gadgets such as hairdryer, hair straightener, and hair curler. You can use them once in six months. Frequently using these stuff exaggerate the hair fall process.